Model SB-608, 1500mm Bath | 1500 Baths | Small Baths 1500

Length x Width x Height
1500 x 860 x 660 mm
59" x 34" x 26"
1500mm bath, by GreenGoods bath factory, is an elegant and luxurious bathroom centerpiece. The 1500 soft baths are inspirational designed combining with practicality. 1500mm freestanding soft baths are constructed of special soft materials with a oval base. The bath panel of the bath 1500 soft tub are 100% resin. 1500 soft bathtub has extra wide space which ensures a comfortable bathing area to you. The small baths 1500 are perfect to bathrooms of elder parents and small babies. The soft feeling bring them not only bath joyful, but also enough safety. Furthermore, the 1500 mm bath tub has an excellent heat retention, easy to clean and offer much better slip resistance than acrylic tubs and metal tubs.
· The most high-tech bathtub which catches the huge attention from all over the world
· Dependable soft new material construction for pleasant feeling and durability
· Feel very comfortable while lie down in the soft tub which can be pressed by fingers
. Excellent gloss preservation and superior antibacterial performance
. The color can keep against soap and shampoo forever
. Complete non-slippery tub that is very safety for adults, babies, childern and elders
. Soft tub can absorb shock in order to prevent accidents and damages
· Superior heat preservation while soaking in the soft tub
· Soft and warmer to the touch and more comfortable than traditional bathtubs
· Several kinds of resin skirts are availabe
· Outstanding protection: Ten Year Warranty

1. 1500mm bath, 1500 baths, small baths 1500

2. 1500mm bath, 1500 baths, small baths 1500 packages